Hello everyone! I'm surprised to see that I have new readers after abandoning my blog for the longest time! So much has happened since October till now that I felt smothered. I do have 10283101 pics to share and posts about my life to update. This is just a short post to prepare anyone who reads this for the bunch of updates that is to come! I apologize to everyone for just disappearing and thank you so much for sticking to my blog. I'm finally back with motivation to update everything =] Think of it as a way to start of the new years with memories of the past year ^-^!!
First off, I'm so sad that I lost my camera charger!!! I need to find a replacement or else I won't be able to take photos =[...so for now I've reverted back to my old crappy camera. Therefore, some really crappy photos and the lighting is probably ghostly or way off. Forgive meeee!! But because I said I'll put up review ....even though it took me a while...crappy camera it is!
Now...I have been trying to find a replacement lens for my Acuvue Define lens. Those were really super natural everyday lens, that naturally enhanced one's eyes. It wasn't very noticeable but it was quite convenient! Sadly, everyday lens are pricey and I bought those in Taiwan. So I was definitely looking for natural lens that would last me a year ^o^! I have found them!! They are not as natural as Acuvue, but they definitely lean towards the natural side when it comes to circle lens.
Long time no blog!!! I just started school and I can't believe how busy my first week was!! It ranged from cooking pasta, casino school night, baking pizzas, crazy card game punishments, and sleepless night fun at palm desert resort! Anyways, at least I took some photos for circle lens review. For the above picture, I bought both pink and blue but I only got the chance to try the blue Bambi lens by Candylicious. These were purchased from apple of your eyes. They have a wide range of lenses that I have never heard of but are gorgeous!! Also at a great price!
Hello~~I've been having a hectic week with interviews and teaching students! Barely any time to blog! BUT I did buy a crap load of stuff which I will get to reviewing! I've been trying to take better pictures for my new lens that I've received from Apple of your eyes, but it's not going so well so I'm going to do retakes and make a good review =D!! Just in case your wondering, they are candylicious bambi blue & pink!!! Other then that I purchased a liz lisa jumpsuit SUPER CUTE!!! Also I bought lens from eyecandylens as well, and A LOT of NYX makeup!! It's almost 4 am..so I'll let the pictures do the talking and update a review within the next few days for some of the items ^o^!!
Candylicious lens
forgot to mention a new lip tint balm =]
bunch of products on top of my new Liz Lisa Jumpsuit!
EVEN MORE glitter!
VERY natural geo define lens
so here is a model picture of the jumpsuit, except mines in pink as shown above~
I'll be sure to do swatches, reviews, and I'll show a better pic of the dress when I have the chance ^o^ ~~Lastly just a pic or two of my recent nails..kind of messy since it's been a while but better late then never picture!!
my nails already kind of grew out~~but these were my nails last week
My current nails~~mix of shatter and...uh...I don't know what that is!
Do any of you guys hate liquid eyeliner that smudges or just doesn't stay on? Have you guys ever wanted to go swimming with makeup on but feared that your makeup will just melt into a big mess? I was in all of these situations! I wanted to go to the beach, swimming pool, or water parks and look good for fun pictures!
Sadly, I was scared what would happen to my makeup if it touched water. So 5 years ago, I discovered a liquid eyeliner that was just AWESOME!!! I got it from a Make Up Forever Aqua Kit and decided to give it a try at the swimming pool. Surprisingly my makeup was intact after the 2 hours in water and it wouldn't even come off until I used makeup remover! I was so impressed!! After so many years, Make Up Forever changed the packaging and I decided to give it a try and see if any changes have occurred.
Recently for my birthday, I received a gift of two pink polishes from PA's Eternal Nail Collection. I forgot the name of the polishes but I highly believe it's Happy Pink & Sweet Beauty. They are both such a feminine pretty pink color! I also used the Sweet Beauty color on my nails recently~paired with OPI's Teenage Dream and some random silver glitter polish to create a glittery pink look.
Anyways here are some swatches of the nail color~I apologize about my camera and lighting. The colors are so gorgeous but for some reason my camera can't capture the color well..just like in my urban decay swatches =___=..plus the lighting made it looked worst.
Yay!! I was dying to get this wonderful palette for a while ever since I saw the review about it from Jen frmheadtotoe! It was sold out on Urban decay's website so I was hoping it would go to Sephora but I couldn't find it. THEN one of my best friend told me she got it since Urban Decay got it back in stock!! RIGHT AWAY I ran off to get it!! Well more like clicked away ^o^!! I ended up getting two because I have a Sephora's gift card and I forgot...so I will be selling off my other one.
SO my lovely palette came yesterday and I was ecstatic!! I immediately teared the box opened and whipped out my camera!! The packaging was just lovely and once I opened it, I saw that it came in a velvet box. You can actually use that to store things so it's quite convenient. Also the case of the eyeshadow is basically a huge mirror with a jeweled UD. Very pretty!! I LOVE pretty packaging *O*!!
Hello everyone! I have a lot of stuff I want to share but since I'm short on time, I'll just do a quick post! Well I have this silver ring that my boyfriend got me and it was extremely shiny when I first took it out of the box like 4 years ago.
ok..um mine didn't look that shiny but yeah you get the point ^~^ it was clean looking!!
Sadly..it didn't stay that way. Instead it darkened and turned quite dull. Everyday my mom would tell me how ugly my ring is =__=. I tried everything to make it shinier and get rid of the horrible tarnish. Even those chemical soaking jewelry cleaners didn't work for my ring. I even scrubbed hard with a toothbrush!
Have you guys ever had this problem?? Don't you just hate beautiful silver jewelry becoming dark and ugly, and there's nothing you can really do about it?
Hello♥ After a long time, I'm finally back with a review and hopefully I can keep consistent updates T^T!
So today I bring to you a review I meant to do long time ago! It's what I wear everyday because I love it so much!! Lipstick is lovely because it can add some color to your face but, it can be messy~and I don't like eating it. That is why I decided to try out lip tints since they give off a more natural look and the color stays too. As for those that want a dramatic look, lip tints can provide that as well! All you have to do is layer it and add some color popping gloss ^o^!! I sound like I'm advertising huh?
Above Image from Google
Anyways~I've tried couple lip tints before in my life...I believe it was from Sephora? I just don't remember the brand. BUT it didn't stay on that well so no need for my mentioning >=]. What is WORTH mentioning is Lioele's blooming pop tint collection. In case you guys don't know about Lioele, it is a korean brand that is sold on www.prettyandcute.com. I was hesitant in trying out products I never heard of, but I must say...I'M A FAN♥♥♥
Hello everyone! I've been busy again since my horrible summer school session started! I have to leave my house before 8 am just to be at class in time at 9. Then my whole day is spent at school until 10 at NIGHT. T^T Horrible!!
Right before my horrible summer school, I went to a Japanese Summer Festival in Torrance known as Natsu Matsuri. The main purpose for that day was to have fun and then throw a surprise party for my friend Momo. She was going back to Japan forever the next day Q_Q!!!
Anyways about the Natsu Matsuri~it is those festivals you often see in dramas that are held during the summer where friends or couples might go to. The girls and guys both wear yukatas and there are performances, games, and ton of food booths. I've always wanted to go and wear a Yukata!! Sadly, that day was so hot I felt like I couldn't stand wearing my Yukata =[ so maybe another time when it's cooler?
But yes...I ate A LOT and you will see food in photos ^o^ below~~
Hello~I've joined some giveaways that are giving out quite awesome prizes so be sure to check them out =] they have interesting blogs too! Also if you love circle lens, there are couple contests out there for you to join too~
Sweet heart fashion's giveaway comes with really cute earrings, hello kitty eyeshadow, nail polish, facial masks and other kawaii things♥
There's also Pinky Paradise but they don't have a banner~If you purchase circle lens from them, they have a contest every month =] so join HERE
Apple of Your Eye's also has a lot of contests too~their most recent one is ending but they always have more =] so be sure to check out their Facebook Page
Lastly, If you feel nice~vote for me ^o^ and my friend too if you like! To vote like the page and then like the picture!
I did not even know these lens existed until I was on the search for my red lens! I originally ordered Candy Soul/ Cherry Red but it was sold out so I got these instead from Apple of your eyes. They caught my eye because the design and pattern of the lens is close to identical if not exactly like the Bambi Princess Mimi Lens.
I don't know what is up with me and collecting Crackle Polishes, but I can't help myself!!! I was at Sally's Beauty Store looking for something to help me with my tangled wig and I happened to pass by the polish section. It must have been fate because I was staring right at these and was immediately attracted to the shiny colors since I love anything metallic. I didn't even realize these were the new crackle polishes China Glaze came out with since I'm not updated with the trends. After I finally saw the word Crackle and stared for the longest time....I picked up 5 of them. I know there are six, but I already have OPI's silver shatter so I don't feel the need to buy another silver crackle polish.
So yesterday I went off to Anime Expo!! As some of you might know, I decided to cosplay as Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)Enma Ai♥ Sadly my wig looked kind of horrible and really fake T^T so my cosplay didn't look as nice as I wanted it to~It made me so self conscious that I was freaking out about going outside and I ran to the car and slammed it on my hair so the whole wig fell off and became super tangled =__= how stupid could I be?? Also it was sooo hot I was melting!!
I thought it would have been more fun if I went with someone else that had the same interest as me instead of my boyfriend Q_Q.....you know, I only got to stay 2 hours because he didn't want to do anything??? *sighhh* also I didn't get that many photos~~other people probably got more photos of me then I do. It's okai though~ I had somewhat fun ^o^ and I only saw one other Enma Ai and she was selling stuff.
Now onto the review first and then all my pictures I took from anime expo!
During the weekend, I finally got a chance to wear my Bambi Series Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown. I felt brave and wore these to go shopping! My best friend tried it already and in her opinion it was a really orange brown and was seriously like Twilight. After hearing that, I was a bit scared since I am not a fan of orange brown lens but I bought them already and I'm gettinng into a habit of reviewing any lens I buy. I'm glad I'm starting now since I didn't review any of the lens I bought for 4 years!! (I started lens when I was in 10th grade~so 4 years ago @_@")
I meant to post this yesterday but headaches related to learning poker got to me ^^"~~Anyways as you can see from the photo, I will be doing a review on Princess Mimi Bambi Series Almond Brown. I ordered both Almond Brown and Chocolate Brown from Fobby Barbie's pre-order so it was around 19-20 dollars per pair. Quite cheap!!
I wasn't that excited since the lens didn't look that special but I bought it just because I felt like trying every single Tsubasa lens!! I wasn't disappointed at all when it came to how it looked. When you first stare at the lens, it looks very normal and similar to all those other dark brown lens. Even though it looks similar, when worn, it's flattering!! A lot of times when I wear brown lens I feel like I end up looking a bit tired and it seems to emphasize my dark circles...so I'm not a big fan of them. This time I felt like it opened my eyes and it's natural but it blings blings your eyes O_O♥
As promised, I'm here today with some nail polish swatches and my opinion. I've collected these one after another when they came out but I've never really did a review or showed them off. Here in my collection I have almost the whole collection of OPI Shatter and I have all of the China Glaze Crackles. I also bought a crackle polish from another brand called LaRosa and it's only around $3 dollars! Aside from that, I have some of the older Sally Hansen polishes.
First off I will show the base colors that I will be using to layer the shatter/crackle polishes over. Enjoy!
Hello!! Even though I said I would update more, I ended up failing. Don't you ever feel that summer vacation sometimes feel even busier then school? I'm being forced to find a job and it's hard~until I do find one, I'm also being forced to attend lessons at my parent's school =__=". I've also been helping my cousin watch her dogs and I think I developed some allergies T^T.
Anyways, I've been trying to do the Dollywink Volume Mascara for a while now. I've actually already took photos in May of me layering both Long and Volume Mascara together. That was when I realized that I might have layered it in the wrong order so I took new photos. Today I will be posting photos of layering Volume Mascara first and Long Mascara second, as well as the opposite and you can decide which one works better. I will also be reviewing the K-Palette Volume Mascara which I tried long time ago in Taiwan and I couldn't find it in the US for a while. When I finally got my hands on it, I didn't love it as much...then the other day I saw it on Prettyandcute.com and decided to give it another go. Now on to the Reviews!!!
Yay!! I finally finished school! It really was a week of torture though T^T! I got sick right before finals and then during that whole week, I barely got any sleep and just had a bunch of cough/ dizzy attacks. At least I'm done with all the testing ^o^♥ The only sad thing is after packing and moving out of dorms, I have to unpack everything =__=...and I'm still coughing to the point of no return. Other then that~I've accumulated some photos for a review =D!! Finally right??
Today my review will be on Geo Sakura Pink Lens♥
I actually bought the wrong lens. I was hoping to get something like the EOS jewel lens in pink but since the title of these lens were misleading, I bought them. On eyecandylens.com they were listed as Sugar Pink or Sugar Candy Pink..something like that ^^". After seeing the lens and researching on it, I found out it was the Sakura Lens by Geo.
This post is just because I felt like sharing and because I felt bad for not updating with the reviews I have piling up. School is ending for me in two weeks and everything is hectic T^T and my procrastination is getting worst! I'm re-watching Inuyasha episodes for gods sake =_=...and on a night where I have a 6 page research paper that I haven't started on due the very next day! *sighhh*
Anyways, today I feel like I'm burning. If anyone happens to be my friend on facebook you'll find my numerous "It's hot!!! My room feels like a Sauna!!! I'm melting!!" posts =D! I can't believe it's 90 degrees in the Beach Area O_O!! What's worst is my dorm upstairs is hotter then outside =_= seriously?? WT!!!
So what I wanted to share was a song I found annoying when it first came out because I wasn't use to 4 minute's new style, but after hearing it a billion times, I am now addicted to it ^3^"~~:
Aside from that I just want to show what to expect for future reviews~~I bought like 3-4 hauls already from www.prettyandcute.com but I haven't really reviewed everything! I also got a few things from Sephora and www.eyecandylens.com
So what to expect:
Dollywink Volume Mascara~I'll try this with my long one together!
Lioele Blooming Pop Lip Tint: I have all 3 colors, Pink, Red, and Orange~~
K Palette 1 Day Volume Mascara
I have natural brown~
Geo Xtra Candy Pink
You guys probably already seen all of these but since I got it a while ago, I plan to finish swatching it !!
shimmer brown♥
NEW COLORS FOR SHATTER!!! I got the white one =D..but I want the Navy and Turquoise too!
My favorite foundation so far♥
I also bought a bunch of extensions and wigs...but I haven't figured how to use them yet...or my hair color is kind of not matching =3="...but for now that's what I have coming up~~As you can see, I shop A LOT O_O..I bought a lot of these within a short period of time T^T~~Anyways, I'll try my best to post up reviews as soon as possible but I most likely won't get to a bunch of them until school is over! Two more weeks~~Just two more weeks *_* ♥♥♥