I wasn't that excited since the lens didn't look that special but I bought it just because I felt like trying every single Tsubasa lens!! I wasn't disappointed at all when it came to how it looked. When you first stare at the lens, it looks very normal and similar to all those other dark brown lens. Even though it looks similar, when worn, it's flattering!! A lot of times when I wear brown lens I feel like I end up looking a bit tired and it seems to emphasize my dark circles...so I'm not a big fan of them. This time I felt like it opened my eyes and it's natural but it blings blings your eyes O_O♥
I really like how it gives a perfect size of enlargement just like all the other Bambi lens. The design isn't very apparent because of the dark brown color but it looks quite natural and I love the dark brown color. It blends very nicely!
As for the comfort....I have one complaint. I've read about the Princess Mimi lens having lots of defects. I had a defective lens when it came to my Apple Green and I was lucky enough to have it exchanged thanks to eyecandylens. They were really nice about it! This time it was a pre-order and I was praying it wouldn't be defective but, T^T one side was!! The other side was sooooo comfortable like I literally couldn't feel anything!! Unlike the green lens, this time I was actually able to wear it but, I shouldn't have. It made my eyes have tons of red lines and the next day I had itchy eyes. This lasted for couple days before I was brave enough to wear lens again. I also tried e-mailing Fobby barbie but I don't understand why they haven't replied after so long...I'm not sure if I should try e-mailing them again. Right now I'm trying to search for somewhere that sells single lens so I can just replace my defective lens.
Natural lighting |
Taken with flash, you can see how it blends~~ |
haha I'm wearing the lens and getting ready~~ |
You can tell I'm wearing lens but as you can see, quite natural~colorwise |
I like how it makes my eyes rounder♥ |
Another photo after a tiring day~~and that's when I got itchy eyes =3= |
I wore these lens twice..this was the first time and I don't understand how I could keep wearing defective lens =3=...I really like them though!!! |
What defective lens do to eyes T^T RED!!!! |
So..DO NOT wear defective lens...even if you can withstand it. If you feel anything in your eye and it's not comfortable...TAKE IT OFF!!! I'm sure most of you guys understand and it's common sense, but I'm just an idiot for continuing @_@" *sighhhh*
Color: 10/10~I love the natural brown!!! I'm giving it a 10 not based on visibility but on the color! It's not too dark either, but a perfect deep brown.
Enlargement: 10/10~Perfect size, not too alien like~but just the way I like it!
Comfort: T^T........If it's not defective....that one eye I would give it 10/10 since I couldn't feel anything....but because one side was defective....I can only give it 5/10 since the other side was uncomfortable at times...
Overall: This would get a wonderful rating from me if it was defective!!! I give it a 10/10 if both sides were fine!!! I'm not sure what to say~because it was defective, but I still love it so I'll give it 8/10~2 points taken from the defects!
Thank god my chocolate brown isn't defective~~ I will wear those some time soon and make sure to post it up..and have clearer photos!! Once I find a replacement, I'll make sure to camwhore more to show off the almond brown's true potential *O*!!
If any of you guys follow the blog hello, emy~~You will see that she is having a lovely giveaway!!

She is giving away the LIMITED EDITION Dollywink eyelash & eyelash case set!!! As well as the pencil liner and Jewerich bottom eyelashes!! Not only that, but there's even a free people tote bag and cute simple top♥ Very generous giveaway =] so check it out and join too if you like~~
Click here to enter: CHU♥
You're pretty! :))
That contact lense looks really good on you. It seems natural unlike other lenses. :)
Love your eyes!!! The lenses are so pretty~! And you remind me of the model Nana Suzuki~(゚▽^*)ノ LOL
Too bad that one was defective T_T
Hope you get a better one next time!
The lenses are so pretty!! They look so good and natural!! It's sooo sad that they aren't comfortable q__q
My bambi lenses do the same thing! But I just power through haha...contrary to what you said! Sometimes if I leave it in long enough they become comfortable after a while...but yes...not good!
Marxie: Thank you >3< I agree~I like how the lens are natural but flattering at the same time =]
Mie: Haha I would love to look like her, thank you for such a nice compliment ^o^! I really hope my new lens won’t be defective again >_< Princess Mimi tends to have a lot of defective lens.
Natalie: It is!! =[ I hate how sometimes the good lens are the least comfortable or have problems T^T
Choco: I tried to withstand it but once in a while I’ll feel the edge and it started to irritate my eye >_< As long as you don’t have eye problems then that’s good =D
Thank you SO MUCH for reviewing these lenses!! <333 In sheer excitement I ordered these and was having second thoughts but I could only look half as adorable as you in these, It would be more than enough! <3 Here's to hoping mine don't come damaged!! xO
Oh I really want to try these Tsubasa Bambi Lenses! They look very cute on you (: Please don't ever wear defective lenses, because your eyes may be in serious danger! O.O
Love from Germany! ♥
Ely: Aww I think these lenses are wonderful and would look great on you! It's very natural so not much risk at all! I really hope yours aren't defective as well >_< if so make sure you ask your seller to exchange!!
Sam: Thank you ^^ you definitely should try them! I know now never to wear them >_<!!
how long did it take you to get them from fobby barbie?? because i ordered 2 pairs of bambi lenses and i live in the USA but i havent gotten them for 2 weeks! im so dissapointed :(
Suzi: Did you do pre-order? Because if you did, it takes longer and often times even if you buy it in stock but, it is from another country such as hong kong or malaysia, it will take around 2 weeks. But yes, pre-order does take longer =[ so if that's your case you might have to hold on a bit longer.
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