Sunday, October 17, 2010


This week has been SO LONG!!! Oh by the way, I've gotten a new laptop! Yay♥ I really wanted a coconut white sony but instead it's some wierd silver color that people call white =3=~~but it's alright, I'm coming to love my laptop more and more!

So~back to the topic of why my week is so long...well Wednesday I went out with my suite mates or at least most of them to Yard House in Downtown Long beach to celebrate Kei's 21st Birthday early. That day felt like friday!! It was quite fun though♥ I'll post a picture of us at the end of this post =D!

Anyways, at the beginning of this week =[ I got an F on my philosophy essay exam and it was devastating to me T^T~..then I went to office hours on Thursday and I'm sooo glad I went! My professor moved the deadline for our essay due that day to friday and it helped me a lot! Sadly in the end I still took forever to finish that god damn essay! I barely slept on Thursday and on Friday I had a TSA bbq party. That was fun too~not really in the beginning because I'm too scared to go get food =_= and me and Katherine just stood there. I felt bad for her because she doesn't understand mandarin and she found it EXTRA BORING. I really enjoyed the games!! I met a few people and overall I liked it~the consequence of staying so long though was my rush to finish the essay =[...I barely finished like 9 minutes before and the last part was a little BS!

So as you might be able to tell, I'm trying to write this post faster since I'm tired. After writing that essay I was on to having a jelly bean party in my room. Before all the people came, me and my suite mates were introduced to Andrew. He's gay and I think he's awesome! Seriously, I love his lady gaga dances and how flexible he is that it's his bones were sticking out when he moved his arms..and he has elastic it's a rubberband!!! But anyways, aside from that we had 11 people total in my room and the next day my room was HORRIFYING. Popcorn and spilled drinks everywhere but I had fun~ My suite mate Allison was like messed up and my leg HURTS LIKE HELL from Alice sleeping on it for 40 minutes while I put my leg straight. I am SO SORE today and dying of tiredness. I felt like last night was a counceling session between me and few other people. The only person who stayed over was this guy I met named Gin. He's pretty nice~His life is kind of messed up but I think person wise, he's quite nice. I drove him and Kei at like 5 something in the morning to 24 hour pho place and it was torturing. I could not eat..and they looked sick. I was soooo tired I was trembling and I didn't even drink!! But yeah.. I finally slept at 7 something and woke up again at 10:50. Then I got ready, ate, and cleaned a little ad was on my way to Wilson's house. I think all I did today was sleep at his house. He watched a movie while I fell asleep and then we went to eat Korean bbq because he didn't eat lunch and I like refused to wake up until like 5 XD...then after korean bbq and yogurt, I ended up falling alseep for like 2-3 hours while he watched another movie. While I was sleeping his stupid kitty cat like kept touching my hair and my head with his paws =___= I was SO ANNOYED. BUT yea..that's my long week of tiredsomeness. Catch up again when I'm not so tired. I need sleep..PERIOD.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Never Knew...

Angler fish are edible O_O....can you believe that??? That ugly sharped tooth thing is edible o.O!!! I was also trying to find pictures of an Angler fish merging with each other because that is how they will mate?? It's like the praying mantis kind of. The female praying mantis will eat the male during sex so basically the male only has sex once in his whole entire life. Maybe he'll die happy because he'll enjoy something before he dies? As for the male angler...sad. I read this comic on June's blog and I didn't think it was real. Then I researched and yeah..the male stays with the female for the rest of his life until he deteriorates and all that is left is his balls. So..he dies and the only enjoyment he feels is the feeling of the female pheromone. Other then that no sex. He'll disappear or like melt before he gets the feelings in his balls. Unfair isn't it?

Well anyways Angler fish are actually considered delicacy in some places and have similar texture to lobster tail. Here is a picture of a type of Angler fish that is fresh on the market...I wonder if they have to pull out the really long sharp teeth? So we eat them toothless-ish?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Song of Loneliness~



還是原來那個我 不過撂掉幾公升淚所以變瘦

對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會換這張臉應對笑容

不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯

早點認錯 早一點解脫


這時候誰都別來安慰 擁抱


傷到 快瘋掉 死不了就還好


你真的不用來我回憶裡 微笑

我就不相信我會笨到 忘不了

賴著 不放掉 人本來就寂寞的



還是原來那個你 是我自己做夢你又改變什麼

再多的愛也沒用 每個人有每個人的業障因果

會有什麼 什麼都沒有 早點看破 才看的見以後


這時候誰都別來安慰 擁抱


傷到 快瘋掉 死不了就還好


你真的不用來我回憶裡 微笑

我就不相信我會笨到 忘不了

賴著 不放掉 人本來就寂寞的


Go Awayyyy~~~~

(I think that kind of resembles me indirectly)

Yes go away sunshine =3=..I'm in the mood for cold, dark, rainy weather!!! Actually it is cold, but everything is just not complete when there is sun shining on me while I'm attempting to do my practice essay exam.

Right now my mood is very annoyed at everyone and everything. Actually not everyone but a lot of people is getting on my nerves. First off, there is this facebook game we are playing. There is no fucken point in the fucken game if someone goes off and tells the guys what it is exactly about. I should just not read other people's comments but it really annoys me!!! They are commenting things like "oh we understand but blah blah blah" and then they say something like slut. ARGHHHHH!!!! I probably make no sense to many people right now =3=.

I am also fed up with people's emo status on facebook. or two status from the same person is enough. WE all get it!!! You are sad. You are heartbroken. You need love or you will die or something but DUDE. Deal with it and get on with life!!! I understand what it feels like to be emo and stuff because I post statuses too. The thing is when you post so many god damn statuses with all the same meaning, it sounds like you just want people to pity you. FREAKEN WEAK SUCKER UP. People like that should get a blog and post all their annoyance or sadness like I do!!!

Another thing I'm annoyed of is that when I post a status, people can't just like look at it or passby. I don't mind a comment saying "hope you feel better" or "it's okai everything annoys me too" but instead random strangers that don't even know me and I don't want them to know me well, they just message me. I'm really annoyed of messages you know?? I don't want them. I don't want to tell you what happened in detail. You might care but dude..IT'S NONE OF YOUR FREAKEN BUSINESS =] If I wanted to tell you what happen, I would most likely post in detail on my status or I will message you myself. (most likely will never happen) But yes...those people seriously just add oil to my already burning wild fire.

Last of all, I am always always ALWAYS annoyed of a certain someone. Very obvious who it is because that thing is the subject of my hate posts. I think this only happens when I'm like almost on my period and then I drink coffee that is supposedly going to make PMS much worst, but yes...I drank coffee...and now I feel like the whole world owes me money. I feel germaphobic because the things I hate are infested and dirty. I just hate hearing the laughter of a hateful thing and even more of someone I do like but they are laughing because of that hateful thing. EW.

Ah..I do feel like a very mean person though. Is it sad that I am constantly cursing the hell out of someone in my head?? Is it sad that my selfish hatred will most likely hurt a friend? 我真希望他要的不是她.我希望他月底會把她甩掉然後再回頭去找他的前女友..但是我最希望他決定順便兩個人都不要了...這樣會比較好,因為那兩個人應該可以找到更好的男人. 你知道嗎﹖我真的很期待月底因為我真的很想看我朋友哭得樣子...也許只有她哭了以後﹐所有的問題才會解決. I'm such an 惡毒的女人。。不知道到底是為了朋友還是為了自己的仇恨. Then again, maybe none of that will happen because every time everything goes back to the way it was. Seriously germy, dirty, disgusting, evil jerk...please...GO AWAY.

Hehe. I <3 you blog. I don't update you constantly and I apologize that when I do, it is always for the purpose of throwing my emotional trash into you. One day I will make up for all this and start posting happier thoughts and this blog of mine will change into a happy unicorn lala land. =D Until then~Please put up with me.

P.S: A really great song to hear right now is 2NE1-Go Away~